
Tickets on sale now for Rascal Does Not Dream double feature!

Tickets are on sale Fathom Events!

Get your tickets now for “Rascal Does Not
Dream of a Sister Venturing Out” and “Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid”
showing in theaters as a double feature this March 24th and 25th. There will be
a special video message from the Japanese voice cast, shown before the
screening. The 24th will be shown in Japanese audio with English subtitles and
the 25th will have an English dub!

The English dub cast is as follows:
Stephen Fu is Sakuta Azusagawa
Erica Mendez is Mai Sakurajima
Kayli Mills is Kaede Azusagawa
Lizzie Freeman is Tomoe Koga
Jenny Yokobori is Rio Futaba
Cristina Vee is Nodoka Toyohama
Risa Mei is Shoko Makinohara

About “Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out”:
Sakuta Azusagawa is attending his third and
last term as a second-year high school student. There are only a few days left
to spend together at Minegahara High School with Mai Sakurajima, a third-year
student and Sakuta’s girlfriend. Meanwhile, his younger sister Kaede,
who has loved her house for many years, reveals a secret to Sakuta that she has never shared with anyone.
“I want to go to big brother’s school.”
This is a big decision for Kaede.
Although Sakuta knows this is a difficult decision for her, he decides to gently support her.
Little Kaede’s feelings are entrusted to Kaede. This is a story about these two as they take a step into the future.

About “Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid”:
March begins, and there is only one month left in the third term. Sakuta Azusagawa is about to celebrate the graduation of his girlfriend Mai Sakurajima.
As he waits for Mai at Shichirigahama beach, an elementary school-aged girl who looks like Mai did when she was a child actress appears in front of him.

"Who are you, Mister?" she asks.

Is this a dream or an illusion? As he thinks about this mysterious experience, his father calls him.

"It's about your mother. She says she wants to see Kaede," he says.

Kaede's mother never came to terms with what happened to Kaede. Having been hospitalized for so long, their mother finally
wants to see her daughter. To fulfill their mother's wish, Sakuta makes the decision to meet face-to-face — something they haven't done in a long time.
He's unable to hide his nervousness about all this.

Never-before-seen scars begin to appear on Sakuta's body. Could these be warning signs of a new type of puberty syndrome?

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